The Westcott Park AD facility, located near Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, is one of the most modern in the UK, and is capable of processing up to 48,000 tonnes of food waste per annum and turning that into electricity which is then sold into the National Grid, with the solid residual material used as a bio fertilizer in agriculture. The facility receives both pre-and post-consumer food waste from local authorities and commercial customers.
The facility was considered to be a non-core part of Renewi UK Service Ltd’s business, which is primarily focused on large municipal waste processing and recycling contracts.
Quercus undertook a focussed sale process, identifying Olleco, one of the UK’s largest collectors and processors of food waste and waste cooking oils.
Transactions Details
Waste management
Transaction Type:
Non-core sale
Counter Party:
Transaction Value:
Not disclosed
Quercus Contacts:
Mark Whelan